eBooks & Guides

Tango Sustainability Report 2023

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O V E R V I E W O F T H E S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y S T R A T E G Y Our sustainability strategy serves as a blueprint, guiding both our actions and those of our clients towards a shared goal of decarbonizing the built environment. Informed by a comprehensive materiality assessment, Tango's inaugural report is a milestone in our journey. It shapes our strategy to fully embed sustainability into all business activities and highlights our commitment to a carbon-neutral future. Our overarching strategy is centered on delivering significant value to our clients and achieving positive change within our company. CLIENTS • Product Innovation • Advisory and Management Services • Technology • Innovation • Business Partnerships • Cyber security COMPANY • Business Operations • Energy • Transport • Procurement • Employee Well-Being • Community Engagement Tango 2023 Sustainability Report: Our Sustainability Strategy 19

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