eBooks & Guides

Tango Sustainability Report 2023

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O U R I N D U S T R Y I M P A C T WORLDWIDE, BUILDINGS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR... 40% Of all energy and process related C02 emissions 50% Of all extracted materials Of generated waste 35% 33% Of water consumption The built environment shapes our daily lives, encompassing where we live, work, and dine, and the infrastructure that supports it all. And by 2026, global building floor area is expected to double... Decarbonizing the built environment is not only crucial to tackling climate change – it can create as much as USD 800 billion to USD 1.9 trillion in new green value pools across sectors. Tango products are used by over 400 customers across more than 140 countries. By offering our new sustainability services to our existing clients, we hope to achieve impact at scale. Tango 2023 Sustainability Report: About Tango 12

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