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C A S E S T U D Y HOW WATCHWIRE BY TANGO SUPPORTS SOUTHWIRE'S CARBON ZERO GOAL In July 2020, Southwire announced its "Carbon Zero" goal to achieve 100% carbon-neutral energy for its operations by 2025. To achieve this, Southwire is addressing their scope 1 and 2 emissions through eco-efficiency projects to reduce consumption and increase the use of renewable energy. They have outlined a plan forecasting their reductions through various actions such as installing on-site renewables, using power purchase agreements (PPAs), using renewable energy certifications (RECs), and more. Southwire came to WatchWire with a need for automated sustainability data that ensures quality and completeness to support its journey toward carbon zero. After trying several different systems, they ultimately chose WatchWire due to its goal-tracking features, usability, intuitive interface, and cross-collaboration among teams The systems we used in the past made updates every 3-6 months, but when we bring up an update or idea to the support team, WatchWire implements it in as little as 2 weeks. Bo Quick Vice President, Corporate Sustainability & Strategy at Southwire Tango 2023 Sustainability Report: About Tango 14