eBooks & Guides

Tango Sustainability Report 2023

Issue link: https://resources.tangoanalytics.com/i/1518486

Contents of this Issue


Page 39 of 40

M A T E R I A L I T Y D E F I N I T I O N S C O N T I N U E D 2023 Sustainability Report: Appendix Tango 40 Governance Data Security & Customer Privacy Management of risks related to collection, retention, and use of sensitive, confidential, and/or proprietary customer or user data. Governance Procurement Practices Support for local suppliers or those owned by women or members of vulnerable groups. It also covers how the organization's procurement practices (such as the lead times it gives to suppliers, or the purchasing prices it negotiates) cause or contribute to negative impacts in the supply chain. Governance Board Diversity Ensuring diversity in Tango's board representation. Governance Business Ethics and Systemic Risk Management Managing risks and opportunities surrounding ethical conduct of business, including fraud, corruption, bribery and facilitation payments, fiduciary responsibilities, and other behavior that may have an ethical component. Governance Product innovation to enable client decarbonization strategies Enabling client sustainability through the incorporation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations in characteristics of products and services provided or sold by the company. Governance Business Ethics and Systemic Risk Managing risks and opportunities surrounding ethical conduct of business, including fraud, corruption, bribery and facilitation payments, fiduciary responsibilities, and other behavior that may have an ethical component. Governance Management of the Legal and Regulatory environment Equipping customers with the latest regulatory policies to ensure they are prepared to implement necessary changes, and helping customers calculate and avoid financial risks of noncompliance.

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