eBooks & Guides

Look Before You Lease

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Copyright ©2022 Tango. All rights reserved. Look Before You Lease: Keys to Site Selection and Renewals 11 Don't forget about store cannibalization Your competitors aren't the only stores to think about. Your own nearby stores—and sister stores—will compete with the site, too. And if there are nearby stores serving the same trade area, some of your sales will simply be the result of cannibalization. It's money you (or a sister company) would've earned without the new site. At times, accounting for cannibalization may demonstrate that one site which appeared to be a better opportunity would contribute less to new sales than an alternative location. Sister store cannibalization may not impact your business directly, but by siphoning off sales f rom another store owned by your parent company, it certainly doesn't maximize the benefit to your parent company, and that won't do you any favors. Something to think about for renewals: years ago, you may have selected a perfect site, but a recent acquisition means it's now cannibalizing a sister store. When you factor in the new cost of cannibalization, it may make more sense to relocate than renew.

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