eBooks & Guides

Look Before You Lease

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Copyright ©2022 Tango. All rights reserved. Look Before You Lease: Keys to Site Selection and Renewals 10 Consider the impact of employees Some stores only perform as well as they do because of the location. They're in the perfect spot to tap into demand and reach your best customers. Others only perform well because of the employees who operate them every day. Members of the local community go out of their way to ask particular sales associates for their recommendations. The managers keep their teams happy and effective. And your store develops a reputation for competence and quality. Part of your site selection process has to take employees into account, or you won't be able to trust comparisons between sites, even if the sites have many other factors in common. The other thing to consider: employee demographics. If recent high school graduates make up the majority of your employee population, does the local hiring pool have enough of them? What other employment opportunities do they have nearby? Whatever your ideal employee looks like, it's worth considering what it would take to staff your new store with them. This is especially important in 2022, as other recent events continue to create labor shortages in many industries.

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