eBooks & Guides

Look Before You Lease

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Copyright ©2022 Tango. All rights reserved. Look Before You Lease: Keys to Site Selection and Renewals 12 Incorporate every variable in your site models By the time you sign a new lease or renew an existing one, you want to be completely confident your investment is going to pay off. That can only happen if you look before you lease. You need reliable site models and trustworthy sales forecasts, and most retailers simply aren't equipped to produce them. Site selection software leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to assess each site and show you the likely result of placing a store there—but the problem is, most software can't incorporate all the inputs you need to produce results you can count on. Tango Transactions makes it easy to build custom models that include your own criteria and incorporate a fuller range of variables that affect the profitability and potential of each site. Want to see what Tango Transactions can do for your business? Schedule a demo today.

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