eBooks & Guides

The Occupancy Analytics Audit

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The Occupancy Analytics Audit: Comprehensive office reservation system Copyright © 2024 Tango. All rights reserved. 2 01 C O M P R E H E N S I V E O F F I C E R E S E R V A T I O N S Y S T E M Depending on your workplace model, a quality office reservation system can provide most of your key space utilization data. A hybrid, flexible, or activity-based work model will have more reservable spaces, which means more utilization data comes from reservations. The greater your mobility ratio (the ratio of employees without an assigned workstation to those who do), and the more unassigned workspaces you have, the more utilization data your desk booking system can collect. But your office reservation software has three main limitations that keep it from functioning as a standalone occupancy analytics solution: It may only work with a limited set of reservable resources. It may assume a space is occupied at a scheduled time, even if no one is there. Not all of your workplace is reser- vable. Modern workplaces have numerous reservable resources, and while you may not consider storage lockers or nn specialized equipment to be "space," they do occupy space, and under- standing demand for them should inform how you allocate space. For example, not everyone uses a locker, but you'll want to monitor the ratio of occupied workspaces to reserved lockers and ensure that you have enough lockers to maintain that ratio during peak utilization, so no one who needs a locker has to go without. If your reservation system can't make shared resources like these available, you'll have to rely on other solutions to track the utilization of the space those resources occupy. specialized equipment to be "space," they do occupy space, and

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