eBooks & Guides

Guide to Hybrid Work

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Copyright © 2024 Tango. All rights reserved. 6 Guide to Hybrid Work Key Strategies for Optimizing Hybrid Work: 1. Redesign Office Spaces: Employers need to rethink their office spaces to support hybrid work. This includes creating a mix of workspaces, such as corporate offices, satellite offices, and co-working spaces, that offer flexibility and reduce commute times. Offices should be equipped with modern, collaborative features like huddle rooms, informal chat areas, and advanced technology to support seamless hybrid work. Activity-Based Space: Activity-based working is a flexible practice that offers employees different workspaces and resources to fit the type of work they are doing. Goodbye assigned seating, hello free address. This would mean reworking your office space to include break-out areas, huddle rooms for heads down teamwork, large café type spaces for creativity and collaboration, neighborhoods of workstations, etc. Event-Based Space: Team- or Event-based working is like activity-based working but with more emphasis on larger spaces for teamwork or events. In these cases, most individual work would be done remotely while collaboration and meetings would happen in the office. 2. Create a Workplace Value Proposition: Leaders need to ensure that employees come to the office with intentionality—to collaborate, develop professionally, stay close to customers, and build relationships. This involves designing hybrid policies, team schedules, and office spaces that inspire better collaboration and a strong sense of culture. A clear and well-communicated hybrid strategy is essential. Organization-wide mandates often backfire, disengaging employees who feel that their needs are not being considered. Conversely, failing to coordinate hybrid schedules can erode teamwork, culture, and productivity. 3. Address Real Estate Concerns: Organizations are re- evaluating their real estate strategies due to reduced office traffic. Many companies plan to reduce their real estate footprint, which can lower overhead costs and environmental impact. Planning for these needs requires careful consideration of office leases and construction costs. 4. Foster Psychological Togetherness & Communication: Creating a sense of togetherness, even when employees are miles apart, is essential. Encouraging social interaction, mentorship programs, and regular check-ins can help maintain a connected and engaged workforce. 5. Invest in Hybrid Work Technologies: Technology plays a crucial role in making hybrid work successful. Diagnostic tools can provide insights into employee experiences, optimize collaboration and onsite space management, and support seamless communication and project management.

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