eBooks & Guides

Journey to Decarbonization

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DECARBONIZATION WITH B A S E L I N I N G E M I S S I O N S D A T A The first step towards decarbonization is understanding your current carbon footprint. This involves a comprehensive audit of your operations to identify where emissions are being generated. Energy and sustainability data management software plays a crucial role here, enabling companies to track and analyze their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions accurately. By understanding your baseline, you can set realistic goals, prioritize actions, and measure progress over time. Generate custom scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions reports and calculate global warming potentials using the WatchWire Reporting module Track all 15 categories of Scope 3 emissions Maintain and update custom emissions factors, and customize where desired such as with scope 2 market-based (or location- based) factors, on-demand carbon inventory S E T T I N G A M B I T I O U S , B U T A C H I E V A B L E T A R G E T S Setting clear, ambitious, and achievable decarbonization targets is essential. These goals should be aligned with international standards, such as the Paris Agreement, to limit global warming. Consider adopting science-based targets (with SBTi) that specify how much and how quickly you need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With WatchWire, track progress toward net zero & and emissions reduction targets, add absolute or intensity metrics with predetermined benchmarks or KPIs to track monthly or annual goals (Net Zero, SBTi) E N H A N C I N G E N E R G Y E F F I C I E N C Y Improving energy efficiency is a cost-effective way to reduce emissions while also lowering operational costs. The integrated energy and sustainability functionality of WatchWire coupled with our automatic ingestion of real time utility invoice and emissions data allows you to easily monitor the energy consumption of your portfolio Real time monitoring can reveal simple adjustments such as scheduling, temperature controls, and facility startup/shutdown procedures Benchmarking and Transparency: Helping organizations identify underperforming facilities and pinpointing areas for improvement, which facilitates targeted energy-saving interventions Sustainability & Energy Management Simplified

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