eBooks & Guides

Journey to Decarbonization

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DECARBONIZATION WITH I N V E S T I N G I N R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y Generating renewable energy brings the challenges of multiple vendors, portals, technologies, contract structures, and all-around more energy data. Your platform should have the ability to consolidate contracts and interval data, visualize renewable offsets, analyze their actual vs. their guaranteed production, and have transparency into any production issues. WatchWire centralizes all onsite renewable production data (whether solar, fuel cell, battery, etc.) across multiple sites and vendors Easily view the percentage of your electricity consumption that is renewable vs. purchased from the grid, incorporating any purchased RECs from contracts, on-site generation, and purchased electricity from the grid obtained from your utility bills Analyze actual vs. guaranteed production for agreements like PPAs With our operational and engineering analytics, you can alert your operations or engineering teams of any issues with renewable production Measure and verify the efficiency of your DER(s), for example, if you decide to install solar panels on your building(s), watchwire can track how much they are saving you in terms of utility costs and emissions G R I D M A N A G E M E N T By targeting your usage at certain times, as opposed to solely focusing on reducing consumption at all times, you can cause significant impacts on overall costs and from an emissions perspective. Peak Load Alerts: Within our platform, we will notify you when the grid is likely to peak by monitoring the actual grid and looking at our algorithm & forecasts. Demand Response: WatchWire can pull data from both the interval level in real-time and the program information/ alerts into the platform to have one single source of truth for engineers and sustainability analysts looking at property performance. We can visualize the demand event, and what the property performance/ curtailment actually looked like at that time. M E A S U R E & V E R I F Y S A V I N G S M&V is a process for quantifying the precise impact on energy use of a conservation measure. It puts numbers into a difficult-to-quantify process and makes it easy to deploy efficiency measures, verify your emissions reductions efforts, and calculate the dollar impact for savings of an investment. ASHRAE Guideline 14- 2014 & IPMVP Compliant Option B & C Track multiple ECMs at once Normalize project analyses for weather, billing period length, occupancy, & more Verify performance and track ROI Sustainability & Energy Management Simplified

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