eBooks & Guides

Guide to Sustainability for Accounting Firms

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watchwire.ai / 212.616.5100 / 1261 Broadway, Suite 510 New York, NY PRODUCT CAPABILITIES D A T A T R A C K I N G Collecting real-time meter, interval, and billing data that prioritizes a single source of truth with our automated cloud-based data capture and storage. (track energy consumption, emissions data & and accounting, water use, waste generation, renewables, and more) D A T A Q U A L I T Y Pre-platform data ingestion audits Missing data report Post-platform data audits Users can set custom alerts for variances, missing bills, outliers, etc. T R A C K G H G E M I S S I O N S Generate custom scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions reports (based on GHG Protocol) and calculate global warming potentials using the WatchWire Reporting module Track all 15 categories of Scope 3 emissions Maintain and update custom emissions factors, customize where desired with scope 2 market-based (or location-based) factors, on-demand carbon inventory M E A S U R E & V E R I F Y Easily deploy efficiency measures and measure/ verify your energy use and emissions reductions efforts & quantify the dollar impact for savings G O A L T R A C K I N G Add absolute or intensity metrics with predetermined benchmarks or KPIs to track monthly or annual goals (e.g. Net Zero, SBTi) L O C A L L A W A N D B U I L D I N G P E R F O R M A N C E S T A N D A R D S C O M P L I A N C E As a booster partner of the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), our platform can identify benchmarking/ building performance standard policies that apply to your portfolio R E P O R T I N G I N T E G R A T I O N S Integration with ENERGY STAR (bidirectional), GRESB, Department of Energy BPD, LEED Arc Skoru, CDP, GRI, and more sustainability (GHG, water, waste) reporting frameworks, advice on reporting, and customizable financial grade report generation. P R O C U R E A N D T R A C K R E N E W A B L E S Track onsite DERs (e.g. solar), RECs, and offsets within our system and quantify the dollar impact of savings. B E N C H M A R K I N G Custom benchmarking comparison of buildings and regions (consumption/ demand/cost totals and KPIs)

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