eBooks & Guides

Guide to Sustainability for Accounting Firms

Issue link: https://resources.tangoanalytics.com/i/1522476

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Enable Your Clients & Your Firm to Gather Meaningful Sustainability Data To truly incorporate sustainability into an organization's core business strategy and comply with looming reporting standards, firms need numbers, dashboards, and tools — which accountants are equipped to handle. If you're a tax and accounting firm leader looking to differentiate yourself from the competition, providing your clients with insight into their sustainability data and offering audit support that verifies the effectiveness of controls and identifies gaps is a great way to set your firm apart. However, your clients can easily get overwhelmed by the manual collection and aggregation of this data and understanding related regulatory requirements. One of the benefits of recommending a software tool is that it can enable automation and integration based on what each stakeholder group cares about and provides a way to quantify and measure data within a given footprint. Being able to provide your portfolio companies with cutting-edge solutions that can help them simplify the carbon accounting process and guarantee that you receive audit-ready, investor-grade data for attestation reports is invaluable. WatchWire is a market-leading sustainability and energy data management platform that uses cloud-based software to collect, automize, and analyze utility, energy, and sustainability data metrics. WatchWire streamlines, automates, and standardizes your sustainability reporting process by integrating directly and/or providing reporting exports to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, LEED Arc, GRESB, CDP, SASB, GRI, and more. The platform provides customizable dashboards, which allow asset managers, sustainability managers, engineers, and more to monitor individual key performance indicators (KPIs) and create custom views for specific use cases. Sustainability and energy data management software systems like WatchWire that can track and analyze energy use, sustainability metrics, and efficiency projects in real time and at the meter level with automated data capture will eliminate liability risk and productivity loss associated with older calculation and operation methods both for your operations and your client's. We are making it easy to for clients to work with external assurance agencies and auditors with our quality data collection and built-in auditing systems. HOW CAN WATCHWIRE HELP? Sustainability & Energy Management Simplified

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