eBooks & Guides

How to Successfully Transition to a New Work Model

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6 How to Successfully Transition to a New Work Model: The Leader's Guide Copyright © 2024 Tango. All rights reserved. Pairing occupancy analytics tools with real-time spatial data enables you to make informed decisions about how your physical space can accommodate your desired work model. Before you start planning your transition and making changes, you'll want to answer questions like: ظ What are your average and peak occupancy and vacancy levels for each space, oor, and building? ظ Which spaces are underutilized? Are there alternative spaces that could serve the same purpose? ظ How will your new work model change your density per person and density per seat? ظ Are you currently exceeding, meeting, or failing to satisfy demand for space? After you initiate the transition to a new work model, changes in these utilization metrics will help you measure the effect it has on your workplace. If you don't have the tech or opportunity to get a baseline before making the transition, you can still learn from the data you collect afterward. But it's kind of like going to a doctor without knowing your typical weight, heart rate, blood pressure, and other information that might help identify health concerns. You can still see when there's a problem, but having a before-and-after comparison can shed light on the severity and potentially the cause. Once you know how your space is being used, you're ready to start exploring ways you can recongure it to make your transition with minimal disruption and maximum benets.

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