eBooks & Guides

How to Successfully Transition to a New Work Model

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5 How to Successfully Transition to a New Work Model: The Leader's Guide Copyright © 2024 Tango. All rights reserved. In the past, organizations have primarily relied on things like badge scan data, manual walkthroughs, and meeting room reservations. But these methods of data collection provide limited information. Badge scan data can be thrown off by someone holding the door for a colleague or guest. Manual walkthroughs only show you occupancy data from a specic point in time and can easily misrepresent utilization due to human error. And reservation history can be misleading if your system doesn't account for "no shows," where someone reserves a room and doesn't use it. The best solution is to implement a combination of: ظ IoT sensors that can track anonymized utilization data in real-time (such as LiDaR strips or blurred-vision cameras) ظ Advanced ofce booking software that records reservation data for all shared resources—including parking spaces, lockers, desks, meeting rooms, amenities, and wellness rooms—and can identify "no shows" based on sensor data ظ Visitor management software that records when guests sign in and out and provides occupancy analytics into visitor activity ظ Space management software that integrates with all of your other space utilization tracking technology and organizes your data in intuitive ways

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