Uncategorized PDFs

Locatee Product Overview

Issue link: https://resources.tangoanalytics.com/i/1519784

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Page 13 of 20

Get the most accurate and granular data into how your meeting rooms are being used. Take a closer look into the utilization of any meeting room or space equipped with occupancy or people - counting sensors. Individual space analysis lets you investigate whether your spaces are being used in the most efficient way possible. Know a meeting room's precise location, how often it is occupied, how often it is free, and when it is most frequently occupied. If people - counting sensors are used, Locatee also indicates how many people are present in meetings. What decisions can I make with Individual space analysis? • How often is a meeting room unused? • How many people usually have a meeting in this space? • Is the meeting room being used as intended? Individual space analysis (Details) 14 LOCATEE ANALYTICS WORKPLACE OPERATIONS ADD - ON

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