Uncategorized PDFs

Locatee Product Overview

Issue link: https://resources.tangoanalytics.com/i/1519784

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Gain essential insights into the utilization of meeting rooms and sensor - enabled spaces. Locatee's meeting room occupancy analytics is available as a Workplace Operations add - on and provides a closer look at individual, sensor - enabled spaces such as meeting rooms, phone booths, pods, and more. Through either occupancy or people - counting sensors, you can find out exactly how often individual spaces are used, to what extent, and how they may be adapted to an increasingly hybrid work environment. What decisions can I make with Individual space analysis ? • Are there too few meeting spaces on a floor? • Which meeting rooms should be cleaned more frequently? • Which meeting room is best suited for repurposing? 13 Individual space analysis LOCATEE ANALYTICS WORKPLACE OPERATIONS ADD - ON

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