eBooks & Guides

Look Before You Lease

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Copyright ©2022 Tango. All rights reserved. Look Before You Lease: Keys to Site Selection and Renewals 9 Look for upcoming changes to the trade area Imagine committing to a new site and consolidating nearby locations with it, only to learn that the local government has recently begun developing the other side of town, predicting that it will be the most prominent hub of activity in the next few years. Or suppose a new shopping mall is going in somewhere else, and the new traffic flows are about to cut you out. Perhaps there's a retirement community going in across the street f rom you. You can learn a lot by observing recent trends in demographics and development within your target trade area, but it's also important to see what you can learn about plans for the community. In the last local election, did the winners make commitments that could impact businesses or reshape the city? What are the changes local business leaders have been pushing for? As best you can, you'll want to explore how the trade area may already be changing, and investigate the implications for a long-term investment.

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