eBooks & Guides

Look Before You Lease

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Copyright ©2022 Tango. All rights reserved. Look Before You Lease: Keys to Site Selection and Renewals 6 Examine the natural traffic patterns Knowing where people go is essential. But you also need to understand how they get there. You can plant your store in the middle of several points of interest and still not actually tap into that demand. It all depends on traffic patterns. If your brand is strong enough, you can reshape the traffic patterns in the trade area as your store becomes a new point of interest. But that's like redirecting a river to get water where you want it. It's always easier (and more successful) to leverage the existing flow. This is where you'll once again want to analyze mobile location data. Your experts in the field can observe and survey a trade area to help you understand the natural flow of commerce, but you don't need anyone on site to tap into mobile data. And even a detailed survey won't show you the traffic patterns of your target demographics. By combining mobile data with insights f rom your field team, you can pinpoint the best locations in the trade area and see whether your site is actually in position to access the demand. As with points of interest, traffic patterns should come into play with renewals. Trade areas change. New roads redistribute traffic flows. New developments increase demand and alter peak traffic times. Maybe the river no longer passes through your site. By reevaluating traffic patterns, you could save yourself f rom renewing a location with dwindling potential.

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