eBooks & Guides

Look Before You Lease

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Copyright ©2022 Tango. All rights reserved. Look Before You Lease: Keys to Site Selection and Renewals 1 A single lease can easily represent a significant business investment—for the facility alone. It's a multi-year commitment that comes with numerous ongoing costs. But a lease isn't just a massive operating expense. It's a prediction. When you commit to a new site or renew a lease at an existing location, you're predicting that the long-term opportunity exceeds the immediate and ongoing costs. That the reward outweighs the risks. Unfortunately, retailers often make these predictions based on incomplete information. Their sales forecasts ignore too many factors to make reliable projections. The margin of error is too high. Especially now. Today's economy has made this process even riskier. Major supply chain disruptions have become part of our regular rhythm, and consumers are more unpredictable than ever. On top of all that, it's harder than ever to find quality employees to help you maximize each opportunity. It's always been crucial to carefully calculate the impact of real estate decisions. But without the right tools, many retailers are—unknowingly—overlooking the risks and opportunities of a location. They think they know the outcome before they've considered all factors. They're leaping before they look. And their predictions are off. Before you lease a new location or make decisions about renewals, you need to examine the full range of criteria that affect the success or failure of a site. In this resource, we'll walk you through the key factors that should guide your site selection and renewal process, highlighting the tools that help you make more informed decisions. This is how to look before you lease. Introduction

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