eBooks & Guides

Streamlining Energy and Sustainability Reporting

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Benchmarking and ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager A SOLUTION TO HELP UTILITIES AUTOMATE THE ENERGY STAR DATA AGGREGATION AND SUBMISSION PROCESS, PROVIDE CUSTOMERS WITH ENERGY DATA ACCESS, AND SET AND TRACK THEIR GHG EMISSION REDUCTION GOALS WatchWire has extensive experience working with and reporting to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager with our advanced integrations making it easy to facilitate the transfer of automated utility data to this reporting platform. We also have years of industry experience partnering and working with leading utility companies. R E P O R T I N G I N T E G R A T I O N S Compatible integrations with main reporting schemas like ENERGY STAR, GRESB, Department of Energy BPD, LEED Arc Skoru, CDP, GRI, advice on reporting, and customizable financial grade report generation As one of the most active ENERGY STAR service providers in the industry, WatchWire has a bi- directional integration with Portfolio Manager. We push and pull data to and from Portfolio Manager to automate reporting and compliance B E N C H M A R K I N G Compare building performance across your portfolio and against peers, and organize metrics based on geographic region, accounts, meters, and more (consumption/ demand/cost totals and KPIs) Sustainability & Energy Management Simplified

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