eBooks & Guides

Operationalizing Sustainability: Reducing Silos

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P R A C T I C A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S W H E N O P E R A T I O N A L I Z I N G S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y D A T A Many firms and organizations already have loosely defined sustainability strategies in place or have engaged in sustainability reporting to various frameworks and standards. However, when a firm engages in corporate sustainability efforts as a way to check a short-term box in the face of investor and consumer pressure, they will inevitably find themselves lacking in the implementation expertise necessary for their sustainability goals to work. This can hold back progress from stated goals leaving firms vulnerable to greenwashing claims. Only when sustainability data is viewed not as a vanity metric, a cost to bear, or a regulation to be met, but instead as an integral part of business functions will firms be able to unlock the benefits of sustainability data collection. Successfully operationalizing this sustainability data can be challenging, and often requires a reversal of the stereotypical view that "sustainability" in an organization is synonymous purely with environmental activism and charitable PR efforts to meet consumer and investor expectations that a business should work in harmony with the public good. Sustainability is also about overall cost reductions, risk management, and strengthening the long-term operational efficiency and viability of a firm's internal business teams, technology, procured assets, and goods and services. HOW CAN FIRMS ALIGN THEMSELVES—AND THEIR PEOPLE—TO MEET COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS? 01 Shifting The Company Wide Ethos on Sustainability Copyright 2024 Tango. All rights reserved.

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