Case Studies

U.S. Customs & Border Protection

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Page 1 of 1 2 SOLUTION CASE STUDY: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION The answer was an ambitious pilot project that consolidated CBP's two Office of Administration floors into one smaller 8,700 square-foot floor with just 27 desks. Rather than each employee being assigned a specific desk, different types of workspaces (from private offices to collaborative workspaces) are available, with employees choosing what they need and when depending on the day and their style of working. Employees are also encouraged to work at home two days per week. To make the telework and space-sharing work smoothly and efficiently, the department did a study of its needs by collecting data and engaging employees. Then, it implemented Tango Reserve by AgilQuest's OnBoard workplace reservation software. With this cloud-hosted product, employees can reserve the space they need from a menu of options using an online reservation platform from their desktop, tablet or smartphone, as RESULTS The positive numbers spoke loudly and clearly that the investment paid off big-time. After a first-phase space reduction of 5,300 square feet, the CBP enjoyed an annual rent savings of $287,000. In addition, nearly all (98%!!) of employees reported that communication and collaboration were improved by the use of the new technology, processes and policies, while the department reported a 102% increase in worker productivity post-transformation. Finally, each employee saved over $600 in annual commuting costs. That also translated into an accompanying reduction in greenhouse gas emissions because employees reduced the number of miles they commuted each day. The success of this first phase of workplace transformation at the CBP led to an even more ambitious second phase, in which 550 employees from seven floors in three buildings were brought together into three floors in one building. The result of this massive change-up was a 46% reduction in square footage and a savings of $3.3 million per year in rent and operational costs. The increased use of electronic files, which went hand in hand with the new mobility strategy, has resulted in a 25% reduction in office paper use. In addition, 17% of employees reported an improvement in their sense of work-life balance. well as keep track of where their colleagues are working. The software also integrates with common workplace needs (such as catering and audio-visual equipment) and intelligent building systems that manage electricity, lighting and HVAC usage. 38% less space 14,000 sq. ft. reduced to 8,700 sq. ft. $287k in annual rent savings 98% of employees reported improved communication and collaboration 102% increase in worker productivity

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