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Guide to Hybrid Work

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Copyright © 2024 Tango. All rights reserved. 9 Guide to Hybrid Work Space Optimization If you truly want to optimize your fixed supply of space to meet the needs of new hybrid model of work, you need to be able to visualize current demand. Older methods of manual walkthroughs and calculation can't give you that. Live floor plans, interactive reservation systems, artificial intelligence-driven space recommendations, and crowd detection—ideally, all connected to one central platform with a space optimizing software are the tools necessary for the workplace of the future. Space utilization metrics remove the guesswork from optimization, illuminating the dials you can adjust to better use your space and achieve your goals. USE CASES: Reduce real estate costs: Real estate is one of your biggest operating expenses. Many organizations turn to space optimization specifically to eliminate square footage they don't need. While this can mean simply reducing the office space density (square feet per person or per seat), it can also mean repurposing underutilized space instead of buying or leasing more. Perhaps there's an amenity, storage space, or private office that could be converted to something else you need. The point is to consolidate the space you're actually utilizing into less square footage so that you can do one (or a combination) of the following: ظ Sell or sublet that extra space ظ Eliminate the need to invest in more space ظ Downsize to a smaller office Improve collaboration between departments: Placing teams, leaders, or even entire departments closer together can help increase cross-department synergy by making interactions more frequent and convenient. Manage increased capacity: Say you're expanding a department or trying to merge teams from separate floors or buildings into a single space. As you explore the various ways to configure your space to fit more people, you'll eventually find the optimal floor plan for capacity. This will often mean increasing office density, but it may also simply require you to repurpose space, converting meeting rooms, offices, or unallocated space into more workstations. Tango Space: With space management software like Tango Space, everything you need to intelligently optimize your space lives in one place. It integrates with office booking software (like Tango Reserve) as well as Tango Occupancy Analytics, which provides cost effective occupancy data through proprietary Wi-Fi/Ethernet technology. It also enables companies to ingest and process other occupancy data sources such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensors you have installed to track occupancy and utilization in real-time. Tango Space provides visibility into space utilization across the whole real estate portfolio. ظ Translates space utilization data into insights, to give organizations visibility into how space is used, and improve workplace potential ظ Maximize the efficiency of available space, track reservations and plan entire moves in one system ظ Repurpose and reinvigorate underutilized space to create a more effective working environment and increase employee satisfaction

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