eBooks & Guides

Guide to Hybrid Work

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Copyright © 2024 Tango. All rights reserved. 3 Guide to Hybrid Work Hybrid work models offer numerous benefits for both employees and employers, transforming how work is done and improving various aspects of the workplace environment. Benefits for Employees 1. Increased Productivity: Several factors contribute to higher productivity in hybrid work settings. Employees have the autonomy to choose their work hours and location, experience fewer interruptions at home compared to the office, and can repurpose commuting time for work or personal activities. Additionally, in-person collaboration can be scheduled for optimal times, enhancing overall efficiency. 2. Improved Employee Engagement and Wellbeing: Hybrid workers often report higher engagement levels and better overall wellbeing compared to their fully on-site counterparts. Hybrid work allows employees to better balance their personal and professional lives, reducing stress and preventing burnout. The flexibility to choose when and where to work leads to greater job satisfaction, reducing turnover intentions. Benefits of a Hybrid Workplace

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