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Sustainability and Energy Glossary

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39 energywatch-inc.com / 212.616.5100 / 1261 Broadway, Suite 510 New York, NY 10001 Load control program Another form of demand-side management, a load control program, is an offer by the utility company for a lower rate in exchange for having the permission to turn off the air conditioner or water heater for short periods of time. This will allow the utility to reduce peak demand. Also see Demand-side management. M Marketed energy A commercially traded energy source. Usually, this energy is sold by a producer, like a petroleum refiner, through a transmission and distribution network (e.g., pipelines and trucks) to an end-use consumer (e.g., gasoline sold at the pump). Megawatt (MW) One million watts of electricity. Megawatt hour (MWh) One thousand kilowatt-hours or 1 million watt-hours. Mitigation (of climate change) Human intervention in order to reduce emissions and/or increase sinks for greenhouse gasses. Mitigation measures Technologies, processes, or practices that contribute to mitigation of climate change, e.g., renewable energy technologies, waste reduction processes, and public transport practices for commuting. Montreal protocol The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (1987). This international agreement was signed by most industrialized nations and is meant to substantially reduce the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Signed in January 1989, the original document called for a 50-percent reduction in CFC use by 1992 relative

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