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Mainly used within the transportation sector, biofuels are usually a liquid fuel derived
from biomass. This biomass is often corn, sugarcane, canola, soybeans, etc. While
biofuels are considered renewable fuel sources, their sustainability is often debated.
For example, corn and soybeans are water intensive, and can also be used to feed
the many millions of undernourished people on this planet, but instead they are being
used as fuel.
Organic material that may originate from either plants or animals. Biomass is
considered to be a renewable energy source. Common forms of biomass include
crops grown for energy, wood, animal dung, waste from forests or farms, etc.
Biomass is often used interchangeably for the term biofuel.
Bulk power transactions
The wholesale purchase, sale, or exchange of electricity among electric utilities.
These wholesale power transactions can help utilities with everything from
maintaining load to reducing the price of electricity and services.
Bundled utility service (electric)
Service from a utility in which energy production, distribution, and ancillary services,
are provided by the same utility.
Capacity charge
Part of a two-fold pricing method used in capacity transactions (the other is an
energy charge). The capacity charge, also known as the Demand Charge, is based on
the amount of capacity one purchases.
Capacity factor
The ratio of actual electrical energy output that was produced over a certain time
period compared to the highest possible electrical energy output that could have
been produced during that same period.