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Sustainability and Energy Glossary

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18 energywatch-inc.com / 212.616.5100 / 1261 Broadway, Suite 510 New York, NY 10001 Commercial facility A unit owned or operated by one person or organization that occupies two or more commercial buildings in a single place. Two examples of a commercial, multi-building facility are a university and a large hospital complex. Conference of the Parties (COP) The group of nations that have ratified the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). Their primary role is to keep implementation of the FCCC under review and make the decisions necessary for its efficient and effective implementation. Also see Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC). Conservation A reduction in energy consumption that is aligned with a reduction in service demand. Service demand may include buildings-sector end uses like lighting, refrigeration, heating, industrial processes, or vehicle transportation. Unlike energy efficiency, which is usually technological, conservation is associated with behavior, e.g., lowering the thermostat to reduce heat use, using occupancy sensors that turn off lights and/or appliances, and car-pooling. Conservation program A program in which a utility company installs home weatherization services free or at reduced cost or provides free or low-cost devices for saving energy, like energy efficient light bulbs and water heater insulation. Contract price The energy delivery price that is determined when a contract is signed. It can be a fixed price or a base price escalated according to a given formula. Cooling Degree Days (CDD) A measure of how hot a certain place is over a period of time relative to a base temperature, which is usually 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The measure is calculated for each day by subtracting the base temperature (65 degrees) from the average of the day's high and low temperatures. Cooling degree days are used as an indicator of air conditioning energy requirements or use.

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