eBooks & Guides

Deep Dive on Scope 3 Emissions Accounting

Issue link: https://resources.tangoanalytics.com/i/1522480

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MANAGING CARBON ACCOUNTING DATA While complaints about data and estimation challenges are widespread, this should not get in the way of attempts to report and reduce Scope 3 in the pursuit of a meaningful and actionable emissions profile. With Scope 3, the calculation exercise is less about a holistic number or percentage, but more so the good faith effort to determine what emissions within the value chain have the most impact, and what is most material from a risk perspective to the company. Out of all the emissions categories, Scope 3 is most built on estimates and assumptions and is a tool by which companies can reflect on their exposure to transition risks in the supply chain. If a company only considers its direct emissions, there would be little knowledge of where they have the opportunity to engage in low-carbon practices, products, or investments. After a firm decides to start tracking their emissions and Scope 3 in particular, it is important to understand a few basics of the carbon accounting process. Carbon Accounting requires access to accurate real-time and historical energy data that can be traced back to the source, easily audited for compliance and rooted in international standards for GHG emissions factors. Spreadsheets and Excel are likely not enough when trying to run data- accurate calculations across multiple business operations and with differing sources of Controlling your organization's greenhouse gas emissions is one of the biggest ways you can combat climate change and respond to the growing number of consumers, investors, and regulators, who may require full-scale GHG emissions inventories within sustainability reporting. Customized carbon emissions inventories and portfolio comparisons based on real-time, audited utility and emissions data points will streamline sustainability and energy operationalization efficiency within your organization. Additionally, sustainability employees may be faced with looming regulatory mandates on GHG emissions reporting, building performance standards, and quasi-mandated investor expectations to report sustainability metrics. Because WatchWire automatically captures and audits comprehensive utility and emissions data, the platform is known for high data accuracy and data coverage. This will be crucial going forward when GHG emissions reporting becomes more scrutinized for investor-grade data quality and auditable data is the norm. emissions. The enhanced liability risk, and productivity loss associated with older methods of calculation necessitate outsourcing the management and collection of GHG data by a cloud-based software entity. WatchWire is a market-leading sustainability and energy data management platform that uses cloud-based software to collect, automize, and analyze utility, energy, and sustainability data metrics. WatchWire streamlines, automates, and standardizes your sustainability reporting process by integrating directly and/or providing reporting exports to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, LEED Arc, GRESB, CDP, SASB, GRI, and more. The platform provides customizable dashboards, which allow asset managers, sustainability managers, engineers, and more to monitor individual key performance indicators (KPIs) and create custom views for specific use cases. Sustainability & Energy Management Simplified

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