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Retail & Restaurant: Sustainable Retail

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2024 GOLDBOOK JUNE 2024 RETAIL & RESTAURANT FACILITY BUSINESS 31 www.RetailRestaurantFB.com sustainability initiatives. This can also expose businesses to non-compliance with reporting regulations, waste time and resources, and make it chal- lenging to prove their sustain- ability efforts — which can lead to allegations of greenwashing and hinder brand equity and customer attraction. Once it's equipped with com- plete, high-quality data, an orga- nization can then develop a strat- egy that is right for their business. Companies that have had the most success in delivering fi nan- cial returns while implementing sustainable business practices have launched strategies that are rooted in data and are embedded in the company's organizational structure, governance, and overall purpose. IMPLEMENTING SUSTAINABILITY: OPPORTUNITIES & CHALLENGES Once data has been captured, or- ganizations will have a better idea of the opportunities and challenges they will need to consider as they establish a sustainability strategy. For the retail industry, the most common challenge is around the value chain. Unfortunately, many negative sustainability outcomes in the retail industry stem from policies that prioritize consumer convenience, such as cheap goods and services, fast shipping and convenient delivery. However, advancements in tech- nology and shifts in consumer pref- erences have also created opportu- nities for organizations to identify ways to make positive changes to achieve their sustainability goals. REDUCING OPERATIONAL EMISSIONS Retailers can seek to improve operational effi ciency by leverag- ing new products and technolo- gies that are designed for energy reduction. For instance, retailers with physical store locations can improve the energy effi ciency of stores with LEDs, more effi cient HVAC motors, on-site solar-power generation and battery energy storage. When it comes to shipping and moving of goods, retailers can reduce their carbon emissions as- sociated with transportation by evaluating the benefi ts and costs associated with upgrading to zero- emission vehicles. For some, an overhaul of current systems and processes may be necessary, but if that's not an immediate option, there are adjustments businesses can take to slowly improve energy effi ciency and decrease emissions. DECARBONIZING SUPPLY CHAINS Retailers can also advance their environmental impact goals by adjusting their supply chain strategies, such as swapping high- emission products with more sus- tainable alternatives. They also could update internal procurement guidelines to prioritize suppliers that comply with sustainability criteria or make it mandatory for suppliers to disclose their emis- sions. For online orders, "rush ship- ment" for rapid last-mile delivery has a larger impact as it increas- es the likelihood of air transport or deliveries on partially empty trucks, contributing to overall in- effi ciencies. Shipping options that are more effi cient include no-rush shipments, consolidating items into one box or increasing store in- ventory to ship online orders. MINIMIZING WASTE Waste is a massive contributor to the retail industry's sustainabil- ity woes. Retailers can infl uence customers to make more environ- mentally conscious choices to re- duce downstream emissions such as clearly labeling products with recycling instructions or imple- menting reuse programs with a re- ward system for customers. Retail- ers can also evaluate their current packaging and determine if there are any new solutions or formats available that are more environ- mentally friendly. A MEANINGFUL SHIFT IN THINKING To meet sustainability goals, retailers may have to make some sacrifi ces or shift current ways of thinking to implement more sus- tainable business practices. How- ever, the benefi ts associated with efforts toward decarbonization will far outweigh the costs as govern- ment regulations and consumer demand make them necessary to remain competitive in today's glob- al retail marketplace. By implementing sustainable practices, retail businesses can reduce their carbon footprint, pro- mote social responsibility, prepare for rigorous mandates in climate reporting and contribute to a more sustainable future that will benefi t society on a global scale. Andy Anderson is chief sustainability offi cer and executive vice president, energy & sustainability solutions at Tango, provider of cloud-based real estate and facilities management software, including energy and sustainability management. Tango is the leader in Store Lifecycle Management and Integrated Workplace Management System software, delivering a single solution spanning real estate, design & construction, facilities, energy and sustainability management, and more. Website: tangoanalytics.com. Maintenance Solutions Made Simple TheMaintCo.com • 1-800-309-8857

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