Uncategorized PDFs

Locatee Product Overview

Issue link: https://resources.tangoanalytics.com/i/1519784

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Investigate the utilization of a particular Floor in detail. If you want to take a closer look at utilization patterns on a particular floor in your building, clicking on the Details button will take you to its dedicated page. The Details view not only contains a utilization overview of the floor's occupancy and usage, but it also visualizes the data across a usage timeline and weekly pattern. What decisions can I make with the Details view in Floors ? • Which days of the week and times of the day are most popular amongst employees visiting the office? • What's the best time to install new appliances on the floor with minimal disruption? • How can I plan for the right capacity for this floor taking into account seasonal patterns? Floor analysis (Details) 9 LOCATEE ANALYTICS ADVANCED PORTFOLIO INSIGHTS PLAN Note - this page describes Floor analysis as visible in the Advanced Portfolio Insights plan. For the Floor analysis in Workplace Operations, see next page.

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view archives of Uncategorized PDFs - Locatee Product Overview