Uncategorized PDFs

Locatee Product Overview

Issue link: https://resources.tangoanalytics.com/i/1519784

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Locatee is the leading workplace intelligence service provider. We use your existing data sources to generate actionable insights on your workplace portfolio. Corporate real estate management has risen above simply looking after assets. Today's CREMs, facilities managers, and workplace directors bear a myriad of responsibilities, from ensuring workplace allocations are compliant with safety regulations to looking after the productivity and wellbeing of employees — all on top of a constant objective to optimize the corporate real estate portfolio. Locatee guarantees that you're making the right choices about your buildings. The following pages provide an overview of the features and solutions which empower you to make your best workplace decisions. Table of Contents Offering overview 03 Locatee Analytics 04 Portfolio overview 05 Building overview 06 Live view 07 Floors 08 Floor analysis - Adv . Portfolio Insights 09 Floor analysis - Workplace Operations 10 Spaces 11 Space analysis (Details) 12 Individual space analysis 13 Team analytics 15 Smart Signage 16 Tailored reports 17 Locatee Admin 18 Data Validation 19 Locatee API 20 Locatee Plans 21 Introduction Meet your best workplace decision - making tool

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view archives of Uncategorized PDFs - Locatee Product Overview