eBooks & Guides

Changes to the ESG Reporting Alphabet Soup

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Goal tracking (e.g. Net Zero, SBTi, waste diversion) It will be nearly impossible to comply with the changes to sustainability reporting regulations and standards without using unifying technology and a platform that facilitates the collection of data, calculates the carbon metrics these entities are asking for, and reports investor-grade data within multiple areas, ready for audit scrutiny. Tango Energy & Sustainability by WatchWire is a market-leading, energy and sustainability data management platform that uses cloud-based software to collect, automize, and analyze utility, energy, and sustainability data metrics. WatchWire streamlines, automates, and standardizes your sustainability reporting process by integrating directly and/or providing reporting exports to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, LEED Arc, GRESB, CDP, SASB, GRI, and more. The platform provides customizable dashboards, which allow asset managers, sustainability managers, engineers, and more to monitor individual key performance indicators (KPIs) and create custom views for specific use cases. Tango Energy & Sustainability provides: Energy, utilities, sustainability, and emissions data is automatically collected through real time metering and organized all in one place GHG emissions tracking Carbon offset view of power purchases from the grid vs. on-site renewables generated vs. off-site RECs. Making it easy to work with external assurance agencies and auditors with quality data collection Opportunities to implement projects (track EEMs) and monitor distributed energy resource production (e.g. on site solar) HOW CAN WATCHWIRE HELP? Sustainability & Energy Management Simplified

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