eBooks & Guides

Changes to the ESG Reporting Alphabet Soup

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INTEROPERABILITY AND HARMONIZATION BETWEEN STANDARDS The ISSB announced in July that its standards would have a high degree of interoperability with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). To ensure efficient reporting using the ISSB standards, and complying with European reporting obligations, standard setters are now back solving for interoperability with the intent that the standards be as similar as possible so that stakeholders can understand how to navigate between them. Lots of companies are, or will be, conducting materiality assessments & and disclosure gap analyses for both standards. Understanding how the two intertwine will ultimately save time and resources by preventing ISSB --------- ESRS GRI --------- EFRAG GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) released a joint statement with the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) in early September, confirming a "high level of interoperability between the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the GRI Standards. Reducing any complexity in disclosure and the possibility of double reporting." The statement says that companies that currently use the GRI standards will be "well prepared to report under the ESRS." The GRI standards are widely used by many companies to report on sustainability companies. This announcement means that thousands of companies will have an easier time with compliance - at least in Europe. The rest of the world is gravitating to the ISSB standards. U.S. SEC CLIMATE DISCLOSURES --------- ISSB The U.S. SEC is a member of one of the jurisdictional working groups, meaning they have been involved in ISSB's decision-making. "The ISSB plan to keep talking to them to make sure that when they decide where they land in terms of the climate rule that they're still considering in the US that we're looking at the interoperability between the standards to make sure that we can make this as efficient a process again for companies who might need to use both our requirements and the US requirements." duplicative work or subsequent mapping in future Annual / Sustainability / Integrated Reports. ESRS appears to be far more granular and extensive than IFRS S2, requiring more metrics to be reported on. As such, if you're preparing for the ESRS you will be able to cover a lot more of the IFRS, GRI, and other interoperable standards, but the same cannot be said vice-versa. Sustainability & Energy Management Simplified

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