
Tango Energy & Sustainability

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Page 1 of 2 2 BUSINESS CASE Energy and sustainability management is vital for businesses, driving cost savings, reduction in carbon emissions, greater environmental impact, compliance with regulations, enhanced reputation, employee productivity, risk management, and long-term planning. • Why do we need to decarbonize buildings? • 40% of CO2 emissions come from buildings • 34% of energy demand comes from buildings • 50% of raw material use comes from buildings • 67% of emissions in a building's lifecycle emitted during building operating life What's the business case for using Integrated Workplace Management Systems (IWMS) like WatchWire? • Return on investment (ROI). According to industry estimates, the ROI for using an EIS can range from 10% to 30% per year, depending on the specific circumstances of the facility and the level of investment in the system. • Energy savings. Between 2015 and 2018, LEED- certified buildings in the United States were estimated to have USD 1.2 billion in energy savings • Reduction in labor costs. Automating energy and sustainability management and reporting reduces the need for manual labor. • Increased employee satisfaction. IWMS help streamline the complexity of sustainability management, boosting employee satisfaction. • Avoidance of financial penalties. By using IWMS to report, companies can more easily comply with evolving sustainability disclosure regulations and avoid financial penalties. To learn more about Tango Energy & Sustainability, visit SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT & CARBON ACCOUNTING Goal Tracking: Set, monitor, and analyze progress toward sustainability goals, such as energy reduction or emissions targets. • Set ambitious sustainability goals in line with Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). • Track goals with respect to energy, water, carbon, and waste diversion. • Measure performance versus the stated goal. ENERGY STAR Integration: Access information and ratings related to the ENERGY STAR program, which helps you improve the energy efficiency of buildings and equipment. • Seamless syncing with ENERGY STAR. • View ENERGY STAR data and results. • Select and run an ENERGY STAR Report with the properties you want to be included. Peer Comparisons: Benchmark your sustainability performance against similar organizations or peers to identify areas for improvement and best practices. • Through WatchWire's integration with the US Department of Energy's Building Performance Database (BPD), properties can be benchmarked against the nation's largest dataset of energy-related characteristics of commercial properties. Internal Comparisons: Compare the sustainability performance of different locations within your organization, facilitating internal accountability and improvement. Sustainability Reporting: Generate comprehensive sustainability reports, summarizing key metrics, achievements, and compliance data for internal and external stakeholders. • Download informative sustainability reports and emissions inventories to assess greenhouse gas emissions and usage across assets over a given time. • Report seamlessly to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, LEED Arc, GRESB, and others. RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates): Track the acquisition and use of renewable energy certificates. • Consolidate all onsite renewable production data (whether it is solar, fuel cell, battery, etc.) across multiple sites and vendors. • Analyze actual vs. guaranteed production. • Make decisions on which form of renewable energy generation and/or procurement is right for you.

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