eBooks & Guides

GASB 87 Compliance Guide

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Copyright © 2023 Tango. All rights reserved. 1 Lease Accounting Under GASB 87: The Guide to Hassle-Free Compliance The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is responsible for setting accounting standards for governmental entities in the United States. GASB 87 is their latest statement on accounting requirements for recognizing and reporting on leases by government entities. GASB 87 is designed to make information about governments' leasing activities more useful, relevant, and consistent by providing a single model for lease accounting, replacing operating and capital lease categories from previous statements. Following an 18-month postponement due to COVID-19, GASB 87 went into effect starting in 2021. All organizations subject to GASB 87 must now comply with its requirements, and they are encouraged (where practicable) to restate financial statements for periods prior to when it went into effect. In this ebook, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about GASB 87, whether you're a lessee or a lessor, including: ظ Who is subject to GASB 87 ظ Which leases are subject to GASB 87 (and which are exempt) ظ How to do lessee accounting under GASB 87 ظ How to do lessor accounting under GASB 87 ظ How to account for lease contracts with multiple components ظ How to account for lease terminations and modifications ظ How to account for subleases and leaseback transactions Introduction Along the way, we'll explain how Tango Lease streamlines your accounting processes and helps keep you compliant with lease accounting standards like GASB 87. Who is subject to GASB 87? All lessees and lessors involved in leases to or from US governmental entities are subject to the standards of GASB 87. In other words, GASB 87 applies to you if you are either: ظ A governmental entity with any applicable lease contract ظ A landlord (or other lessor) that leases to a governmental entity Examples of US governmental entities subject to GASB 87 include: ظ State governments ظ Local governments ظ Municipal governments ظ Public colleges and universities ظ Public utilities ظ Public airports ظ Public hospitals and health providers ظ Public benefit corporations and authorities ظ Public employee retirement systems Whether you're a governmental entity or a landlord leasing to one, Tango has you covered. Our lease software helps both lessees and lessors confidently manage their lease activities.

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