
Tango Portfolio Strategy

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Page 0 of 0 1 TANGO PORTFOLIO STRATEGY UNDERSTAND YOUR REAL ESTATE OPTIONS Office policies are evolving for most companies as employee and employer expectations are in flux. This change can feel like chaos, particularly when it comes to understanding how much space you need, where, and when. Typically a long-game, real estate strategy is being compressed into shorter cycles that require greater flexibility. Companies are looking to right-size their portfolios, and to do so, corporate real estate leaders are being asked to develop a diverse set of options to address today's changing needs. Tango is bringing its long history as the leading location analytics software provider in multiple industries—such as retail and restaurants—to corporate real estate with Tango Portfolio Strategy. Tango Portfolio Strategy as a standalone solution provides immediate portfolio analysis capabilities with minimal effort and data. Basic building and lease information enables robust scenario planning and impact analysis. UNDERSTAND YOUR PORTFOLIO TODAY—AND TOMORROW Manage and track key data and drivers that inform short- and long-term portfolio decisions. Imagine a new future with varying space needs by department, business unit, or organization: · Visualize and analyze your portfolio via maps and dashboards. · Assess the impact of lease expirations and options on utilization, occupancy, and costs of existing space in a single view. · Benchmark critical metrics including total occupancy costs, cost per occupied seat, and RSF per occupied seat. · Forecast space and people requirements by business unit, department, or organization. MODEL THE FUTURE Set strategic options at a building- and lease-level, including scenarios that consider diverse actions across your portfolio, f rom lease renewals, to subleasing, to exiting a floor or building: · Create copies of buildings and floors—including all people, assets, spaces, and floorplans—and assess the impact of strategic moves on your portfolio, including changes to total occupancy expense, cost per occupied seat, RSF per occupied seat, and cost per RSF. · Create what-if scenarios across multiple buildings or whole portfolio that take into consideration options around dedicated and flex seating, hotel ratios, and shift-based work schedules. · Select scenarios that best support strategic goals and create tactics to understand overall impact. · Group building-level or multi-building strategies into initiatives and assess effects across the portfolio. SET THE PLAN, THEN EXECUTE Tango Portfolio Strategy makes it easy to see the impact of a variety of approaches to your portfolio, individual buildings, and floor plans, to set the right strategies and schedule their execution: · Model different strategies at the building level, and group building-level strategies into initiatives to assess portfolio impacts. · Track approval of strategies and view progress against the plan across quarters and years. · Visualize the status of each initiative, assess risk levels, and track planned versus actual square footage reduction. To learn more about Tango Portfolio Strategy, visit

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