Tango Connect 2022

PROJECTS - Managing Project Financials with Wawa

Issue link: https://resources.tangoanalytics.com/i/1487553

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©2022 Tango CONFIDENTIAL - Not for publication or distribution Tango | WAWA'S IMPLEMENTATION JOURNEY Wawa's journey began in 2016, implementing Predictive Analytics and the Geospatial Platform. Lease Administration went live in 2019 and Lease Accounting (842) in January. In May, Real Estate Projects went live for non-Financial activity and our last major go-live for project Financials will occur next month. 7 2016 Non-Financials – May 20222 Financials - 2022 Non-Financials – May 20222 Financials - 2022 2019 & 2022 (FASB) TBD 2023 2016 Live Pending Financials Future Go-Live

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