eBooks & Guides

Look Before You Lease

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Copyright ©2022 Tango. All rights reserved. Look Before You Lease: Keys to Site Selection and Renewals 4 In any community, there are established places that generate significant activity throughout the day. It may be just a handful of buildings and spaces, or it could be hundreds of destinations. They could be businesses, but they don't have to be. These points of interest simply draw people in, both f rom within the community and f rom out of town. Maybe the trade area you're looking at has a zoo. Or a pump track. A museum. Or a nationally recognized brewery. As you analyze potential sites, part of the process involves meticulously identifying points of interest in your trade area. Since some of these points of interest are bound to be more appealing to your target demographic, you may want to classify them based on their relevance. The closer your site is to the most relevant points of interest, the better position you're in to capitalize on the opportunity in the trade area. Find the local points of interest

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