
Tango Lease

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Page 0 of 3 1 TANGO LEASE MY ACTIONS User-focused dashboard. Streamlined, intuitive home page: • Centralized notications of all timely lease decisions support the active management of hundreds or thousands of leases. • Role-based user interface utilizing badge icons provide actionable insights into all lease-related items. • Receive immediate alerts to items that require attention. Prioritize lease administration and accounting tasks and approvals. Ensure time-sensitive lease decisions are proactively managed and work is streamlined: • Review and approve invoices, recurrent payments and tasks based on client-congurable systematic workows without routing to the lease record. • Directly access the lease details page of each lease requiring approval for a more comprehensive view. • Rest assured that workow histories are updated automatically. CRITICAL DATES & STATUS CHANGES Track key dates and clauses, options, and contracts. Avoid data overload and ensure lease compliance through proactive tracking of nancial obligations, key dates and clauses, options, contacts and all other critical lease information: • Monitor expirations, renewals, and other KPIs through automated alerts on the My Actions dashboard, ensuring you never miss upcoming key dates. • Proactively manage each change event including terminations, extensions and asset retirement. • Track and manage real estate contract obligations: real estate lease agreements, owned property agreements, space use agreements, and service level agreements. To learn more about Tango Lease, visit Address both the day-to-day operational requirements of lease administration and accounting and ensure compliance. Unlike point solutions, Tango streamlines the process of data entry, dramatically improves ease-of-use and reduces implementation time and cost by delivering out-of-the-box best practice functionality on day one.

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